Our goal is to successfully resolve consumer complaints in a fair and timely manner. The National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) accepts complaints from consumers who have purchased services provided by an NRSB certified measurement and/or mitigation professional, NRSB accredited analytical laboratory or NRSB accredited radon chamber. The NRSB will not review business or contract disputes. The complaint must be about a violation of an NRSB policy or violation of an NRSB recognized protocol or standard.

The NRSB strongly encourages the complainant to try and resolve complaints directly with the certified individual, accredited laboratory or accredited radon chamber before contacting the NRSB.


  • Initial phone call, email or written letter to the NRSB Administrative Office by the complainant.
  • NRSB will send the complainant the complaint form. The complainant must complete the form describing the complaint in detail and attach supporting documents.
  • The complaint form is submitted to the NRSB Administrative Office.
  • The complaint form is forwarded to the NRSB Board for review to determine if complaint merits investigation and if so, whether or not additional information is necessary to carry out investigation.
  • If an investigation is initiated, the NRSB will contact the certified individual, accredited laboratory or accredited radon chamber in writing and will notify them of the complaint. The NRSB provides opportunity for the certified individual, accredited laboratory or accredited radon chamber to respond and take action to remedy the situation, if necessary.
  • If the NRSB certified individual, accredited laboratory or accredited radon chamber takes action and remedies the complaint, the file is noted and a letter is sent to all parties involved about the resolution of complaint.
  • If the certified individual, accredited laboratory or accredited radon chamber does not take appropriate action to remedy the complaint, their credential is subject to revocation or not being renewed by the NRSB.