William Bell


Board of Directors

Bill Bell is retired from the Massachusetts Radiation Control Program where he managed the state’s Radon Unit. He has extensive experience in radon testing and mitigation and regularly provided consultations and technical assistance to consumers and the radon industry, as well as local, state, and federal agencies. In 1996 Bill directed the successful mitigation of a school found to have radon concentrations of 2,000pCi/L. He has assisted EPA in its deliberations concerning large buildings, school testing and mitigation, and revising the radon contractor proficiency examination. As an associate member of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) and has served as chair of a committee concerning model regulations relating to the use of analytical x-ray equipment and a task force concerning neutron activation bomb detectors. He also served as Chair of the CRCPD Committee on Radon (E-25) and a member of CRCPD’s SR-R Committee, which is developing suggested state regulations for the control of radon. Bill was a frequent presenter on technical aspects of radon investigation and mitigation at the National Radon Training Meeting. In recognition of his contributions he has received numerous awards from CRCPD, including the “Radon Hero Award.” Additionally, Bill has received several Director’s Awards from EPA Headquarters and the Environmental Merit Award from EPA Region 1.